Friday, May 22, 2009

Knowing v. Not Knowing

Interesting article via the NYT discussing that the possibility of something bad happening creates more anxiety than actually knowing something bad will happen.

Por ejemplo:

Consider an experiment by researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands who gave subjects a series of 20 electric shocks. Some subjects knew they would receive an intense shock on every trial. Others knew they would receive 17 mild shocks and 3 intense shocks, but they didn’t know on which of the 20 trials the intense shocks would come. The results showed that subjects who thought there was a small chance of receiving an intense shock were more afraid — they sweated more profusely, their hearts beat faster — than subjects who knew for sure that they’d receive an intense shock.

Why are humans so weird?


  1. i often think to myself, "i'd rather not know."

    in relationships, among other areas that cause us pain... i'd prefer to have my head in the clouds until the bottom drops out unexpectedly than to be constantly looking down.

  2. Conversely, the anticipation of something good happening is more exciting (neurologically speaking) than when the good thing actually happens. That's how I can justify waiting for an iPhone for two more months!

  3. iPhone is totally worth it, but I think actually having it is better than waiting for it. You shall see!
