Monday, May 4, 2009


I'm trying to think of some act of journalism that could possibly be more boring than this one, but I simply can't.

With the Times about thisclose to going bankrupt I'm glad this sort of thing warrants the pixels.

Maybe next an analysis of comma type-face fads?

Speaking of the Times and bankruptcy, I really hope the Times Co. doesn't shut down the Boston Globe. Granted, I don't actually READ the Boston Globe all that often (or ever), but it feels like too much of an institution. And I love looking at the headlines whenever a Boston sports team wins a playoff series or something. This city is intense about their sports . . . like Pittsburgh is with their STEELERS. But I digress. Save the Globe.

1 comment:

  1. Paper-based news is almost as archaic as the telegraph. Unless they can find a way to be profitable in a digital world, like so many others have, tough luck!
