Saturday, May 2, 2009

Questions: "Swine" Flu

1. Can we get a little perspective re: this new swine flu? The regular flu kills 36,000 people per year, and I don't see the Texas school system being shut down over that. Nothing drives me crazier than hype.

2. If it were called H1N1 flu from the start, would there be such a ridiculous uproar? Or do we associate the word "pig" with "dirty" in such a way that anything associated with pigs makes us extra queasy?

3. As ridiculously over the top as the response has been, could it be a good thing? If there ever is a new plague that actually deserves attention, maybe going through the motions like we have been -- including, e.g., President Obama devoting his weekly address to it -- will better prepare us to deal when there is something actually to deal with.

If I were a superstitious person, I would say that this post would ensure that I will have H1N1 by tomorrow afternoon. And you know what? Even if I did, I would get over it. Go American health care system!


  1. they're saying now that it's not anywhere near as dangerous as initially thought, and that more than anything, it's the same as the regular flu and passes just the same. the one difference, per obama administration, is that we still need to be vigilant in our fight against it (i don't make up these words), because while now it's relatively harmless and has essentially peaked, it could come back during actual flu season next fall and be more dangerous at that time.

  2. I think all this hype about swine flu is distracting us from the real threat-- pirates!
